Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Flames of Duality

Author's Note: One of the strong motifs that is repeated throughout the novel, Jekyll and Hyde, is duality and the idea of evil creeping into the double identities that live inside Dr. Jekyll. This poem represents the two personalities and their inner struggle between good and evil.

My body wanders
My mind pressures
I stand alone
And crumble to pieces

Fighting for who I am
Or who I used to
Hoping for the best
Intrigued by the worst

Normalcy no longer exists
Opposites struggle to find peace
Duality like burning flames
Ashes of my past

There is no definition of me
Only what I used to be
And this mysterious ghost
Remaining steadfast inside

Eating away
I am enslaved to myself
Creating life
Creating evil

An empty canvas
Bare and unknown
The world knows me
But I become him

He recognizes my desires
My every thought
He studies my heart
He conquers my soul

Double vision
Double stature
Double identity

"I believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself, if I could make the choice; but indeed it isn't what you fancy; it is not as bad as that; and just to put your good heart at rest, I will tell you one thing: the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde." (58)


  1. Taylorr, you are so good at writing creative pieces. I love your poem, it flows really well and I like when you use repetition. I didn't really see anything that you could change, great job! :)

  2. Taylor, this was a very good poem! I think it all went with exactly what the book was talking about. There wasn't anything i really thought that you needed to change either. Also, this is kinda what i wrote about. Good job!

  3. This was really good! The idea of how the evil creeps into the body was creepy but cool! I don't think there was much of anything that should have been changed!

  4. Taylor, this flows nicely but i disagree. There are some things to be changed. First, i feel like this isnt like how the normal taylor writes.....you need to step up your game. It was okay.
    But you are an excellent writer.

  5. Taylor, I think that this was good! Your diction was strong and I really liked the effect your italicized words gave. If anything I think I would agree with Maggie, just that it doesn't really sound like you. But still,great job!

  6. Seriously Taylor, this is really good! The flow and emotion is good:) Cool idea to write about. Maybe next time just use some more mature word choice, it would really add to the emotion. Good job!

  7. I dont know what you are talking about, this is actaully a really good poem. Your title is really cool and fits your idea really well. I thought most of your diction was great:) I also love the italicized "him" to add emphasis. Sweet! Nice job.
